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Read our Rebuttal to the new KBCS Marketing spiel.

City Arts Eastside, "Listen or Lose It, People"
by Bill White (October 2009)

KING-FM lays off three classical-music hosts
Live hosts to be replaced with "Voice tracking". Is this what the future holds for radio?

Randomville, "Save KBCS?"
by Mackenzie McAninch (7/19/2009)

Seattle Weekly, "KBCS Launches New Weekly Schedule"
by Hollis Wong-Wear (8/28/2009)

KUOW, "The Conversation"
with host Guy Nelson (8/24/2009)
interview with Peter Graff, KBCS Program Director and Larry Lewin, SaveKBCS representative

Seattle Times, "Bellevue's Eclectic KBCS Making Programming Changes"
by Nicole Tsong (8/17/2009)

Seattle Times, "Arbitron Now Uses Meter to Measure Radio Listening"
by Erik Lacitis (8/30/2009)

Save KBCS blog
Participate in the online discussion about the program changes.

Listener Feedback
Read what others have told SaveKBCS that they think about the program changes.

Meeting Minutes
Save KBCS representatives met with KBCS management on September 24th, and other notes. Read all about it here.

Save KUT Austin
We are not alone... See what what the folks in Austin are doing to preserve community radio.

SaveKBCS on Facebook
SaveKBCS has a Facebook page. Join us!

KBCS 91.3 website
Don't take our word for it. Listen for yourself.

Sack KBCS Management on Facebook
One of our past listeners has a Facebook page calling for a boycott until all existing management have resigned.


On 24 August 2009, KBCS' management drastically changed its weekday programming. After these unilateral changes were announced to station volunteers, a small group of listeners and prior staff created Save KBCS! to reverse, or at the very least, severely limit these changes.

SaveKBCS! supporting past listeners are as diverse in their backgrounds, as the diversity of the programming they once enjoyed. They include, but are not limited to KBCS volunteer programmers; college, high school and elementary school students; teachers; professors; graphic designers; law enforcement officers; accountants; restaurateurs; attorneys; architects; marketers; salespeople; manufacturers; retirees; radiologists; military personnel; chefs; musicians; firefighters; librarians; stock brokers; dentists; doctors; nurses; bookkeepers; small business owners; therapists; secretaries; biotech, software, electrical, mechanical, avionic, aeronautical and aerospace engineers; state & federal employees; IT technicians; apparel designers; CEOs; food servers; -the list goes on and on.

KBCS' possessed one of the few true community formats left in the U.S., that no matter what your cultural background, level of education or career choice -depicted a true reflection to the diversity of its listeners.

It is with open invitation that we encourage you to join our cause in gaining back what was stolen from the KBCS listening community!

Email us to find out more on how you can join our efforts.

Save KBCS is not affiliated with KBCS Radio, nor Bellevue College. Join us on these social media sites!